September 24, 2005 until September 29, 2005








Registration and Abstract submission:

Registration fee is Euro 300,- .For information about housing in the Abbey and adjacent hotels (which is short because of the Octoberfest season) as well as food package contact Prof.Petrides at


Abstracts dealing with the various mechanisms of thrombus formation. The program will have room for a limited number of proffered papers as oral presentations (10 minute presentation; 5 minute discussion). Others will be presented as posters.


Abstract submission Instructions (following registration):
  1. Click here to download the abstract submission form
  2. The printed area of the abstract should be no larger that 10 x 13.5 cm.
  3. The type size should be no smaller than Times 12.
  4. Please E-mail your abstract to:

The deadline for submission of abstracts will be September 5, 2005.




Stipends are available for active participants from former East European countries and Russia. Please inquire at .